Video: George Eogan's new book about Knowth is an impressive tome

Video: George Eogan's new book about Knowth is an impressive tome

Professor George Eogan's new book, 'The Passage Tomb Archaeology of the Great Mound at Knowth' is an enormous tome and a hugely comprehensive and impressive account of the four decades of excavations at the monument.

I'm very excited to have received my copy of the book today and look forward to reading it. It is the comprehensive record of 40 years of excavation and convervation work at what has become known as one of the world's great archaeological treasures. Watch a video about the new book here:

The book is edited by Kerri Cleary, and contains many photos by my good friend and indeed extremely talented photographer, Ken Williams. It runs to about 900 pages and is an enormous work. It is impressive in its breadth, detail and size and I have no doubt that it will reveal many things about Knowth which were previously unknown to me.

The book, costing €50 (which is money very well spent I think you will agree), is available to order online from the Royal Irish Academy at this link:

A spread from inside the book featuring some of Ken Williams' beautiful photographs.
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